The prints archive for the Estate of Peter Alexander dates to the 1980s. A selection of various series and bodies of work are presented here. For more information and additional images, please contact the Estate.
Untitled (Chula Vista), Peter Alexander, 1981. Lithograph on paper, 21 x 27.75 inches. Printed by Cirrus. PA81 45
Untitled (Panocha Cirrus), Peter Alexander, 1983. Monoprint, 21 x 27.75 inches. Printed by Cirrus. PA84 236
Teacake, Peter Alexander, 1984. Lithograph, 28 x 30 inches. Printed by Cirrus. PA84 269
Untitled (Panocha Cirrus Orange), Peter Alexander, 1984. Lithograph on paper, 21 x 27.75 inches. Printed by Cirrus. PA84 233
LAX XXXV, Peter Alexander, 1989. Monoprint, 52 x 42 inches. PA89 4
LAX XXX, Peter Alexander, 1989. Monoprint, 52 x 42 inches. PA89 14
Untitled, Peter Alexander, 1990. Monoprint on paper, 30 x 33 inches. PA90 197
Vegas, Peter Alexander, 1990. Lithograph, 30 x 40 inches. PA90 4L
Chandler, Peter Alexander, 1990. Monoprint, 29 x 32 inches. PA90 110
Case, Peter Alexander, 1990. Monoprint, 29 x 32 inches. PA90 111
Sandy, Peter Alexander, 1996. Iris print on velvet, 12 x 12 inches. PA96 76
Johnie, Peter Alexander, 1996. Iris print on velvet, 12 x 12 inches. PA96 73
Pink Four, Peter Alexander, 2000. Lithograph, 22.5 x 30 inches. PA00 77
Cloverfield, Peter Alexander, 2001. Digital print on canvas, size varies. PA01 79
Stephanie, Peter Alexander, 2001. Digital print on velvet, 38 x 36 inches. PA01 14
Canova, Peter Alexander, 2001. Digital print on velvet, 38 x 35 inches. PA01 18
Cambria, Peter Alexander, 2009. Monoprint, 12.875 x 14.75 inches. PA09 34
Good Samaritan, Peter Alexander, 2009. Monoprint, 12.875 x 14.875 inches. PA09 31